Update Views 1.x API Documentation for Views 2.x | DROP

Update Views 1.x API Documentation for Views 2.x

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Just an FYI- I'm the

Just an FYI- I'm the documentation mentor, and merlinofchaos is the technical mentor.


Claimed by: »mroswell
Status: Open»Claimed

This one may take me a while. I currently have a basic understanding of views, but interested in diving into the deep end.

Next week I'm at CiviCRM training and NTEN, and Penguin Day in New Orleans. Can I have a few weeks on this?

Hmmm... there's nothing here:

So what is it that I'm upgrading? Can you give me a primary URL, and some other supporting materials?


Ah, okay, updating this:

big learning curve here, but a worthy one.

Oh, wow!

AWESOME!!!! This will be great when you're finished! Have fun!

Moving back to open

Claimed by: mroswell»
Status: Claimed»Open

I'm not able to spend much time on this in the next week. I can still participate in this task, doing grunt work, as needed, but I'm unclaiming it to benefit the project. Would it be helpful to assign me the role of creating the pages (or any other smaller tasks)?

(BTW, I pretty much can't stand the book drop-down interface for adding new content, let me count the ways I don't like it, and sincerely wish we had a different model... but willing to do it anyhow, if needed.)

First, I think 2.x views should be a whole new section, with stuff repeated as necessary.... likely too confusing to have to move between v. 1 and v.2 versions. Does that sound right?

I added a starter page here:

I wonder if Myles might want to send me a paper version (or some other media) to help identify what has stayed the same, I'm happy to do the grunt work. I can also do specific tasks as requested.

Ok, thanks for letting us know

Ok, thanks for letting us know you'll be away. Feel free to re-claim it when you get back if it's not taken yet! Until then, this is up for grabs. :)

multiple tasks maybe?

This is a relatively large and complex undertaking. It might help to have it split into multiple tasks or at least shrink the initial scope (and build upon it later). My initial thought is to make the first task to write a detailed outline of the documentation. Then, based on that outline, other tasks could be created to flesh out the various sections. Divide and conquer!

If it seems big...

feel free to take it on as a team project. :)


Claimed by: »allisterbeharry...
Status: Open»Claimed

I'm working on a Views project for SoC and I need to learn Views 2 internals so whatever I learn I'll just build up the user and API docs.